
Relevant To: All chains


The webserver’s job is to handle all incoming HTTP requests, whether it be from another chain in Dragon Net, or an end-user.

It provides RESTful endpoints with access to various resources and functionality. It also provides the ability for chains to communicate with each other.

All endpoints except /health are authenticated. The health endpoint can be used to determine if the webserver is running appropriately.

The webserver does not use its own TLS implementation. Instead, TLS for the webserver should be handled by another component in front of the webserver doing TLS termination, such as a kubernetes ingress controller or a load balancer.


In order to run the webserver, sh entrypoints/webserver.sh should be used as the command of the built docker container.


The webserver is built using Flask as the web framework, fronted with gunicorn as the WSGI.

Routes are conditionally applied to the webserver on boot as defined by the files in the routes folder, which are separated by logical resource groups.

Before boot, webserver/start.py will run. This acts as a pre-bootup script for tasks that must occur before the chain is ready to use.

Decorators are used as a middleware defined on a per-route basis. They provide authorization and permissioning to webserver routes.

Authorization is implemented as an HMAC-signed request consisting of the HTTP verb, the full route (including query params), dragonchain id in a header, timestamp in a header, content-type in a header (optional), and the actual body of the request (if applicable). Implementation can be found in authorization.py. Example client code is implemented in the SDKs.

All Dragon Net communication occurs via the webserver with routes defined in dragonnet.py within the routes folder. Dragon Net uses the same authentication schema, but requires HMAC keys associated with a chain’s public ID to be registered first.

Code only used by the webserver is placed into webserver/lib, so it doesn’t have to be imported by the other components unnecessarily at runtime.