Deployment Requirements

Please Note: The Dragonchain deployment process, as well as these docs are still undergoing changes. We expect Dragonchain to be easier to deploy in the future for smaller installations, as well as more possible options to deploy (i.e. docker compose) that don’t require a full kubernetes installation.

Kubernetes Cluster

The dragonchain platform runs exclusively on kubernetes. As such, a kubernetes cluster is a requirement. The easiest way to accomplish this locally is to use minikube.

Setting up a kubernetes cluster is outside of the scope of this documentation. However there are some things that you should keep in mind when setting up your cluster with the intent to run dragonchain(s).


  • In order to have persistent storage support, a kubernetes persistent volume type must be available with access mode ReadWriteOnce. This storage must be able to move between nodes if the cluster consists of multiple nodes. See the relevant kubernetes docs for more information on persistent volumes and access modes.

  • Helm should be installed on the kubernetes cluster, as it is used to manage dragonchain deployments.

  • Access into the cluster from the greater internet is required for participation in Dragon Net. Ensure that if your cluster is behind a NAT layer, the relevant ports to your running chain(s) are forwarded appropriately.

  • ~600MB of RAM is required for L2+ chains to run (~900MB if redisearch is enabled), and ~1.25GB of RAM is required for L1 chains (or a bit more if openfaas/docker registry is running on the same machine). This means that the kubernetes node running the chain (or the VM in the case of minikube) should have at least ~1.5-2GB of RAM total for an L2+ chain, or ~3GB for an L1 (with openfaas/docker also running). This is because there is also overhead with linux and kubernetes itself.


An OpenFaaS deployment is required for L1 chains to be able to create and run smart contracts as containers. The deployment can be configured to your specifications as long as the api server is exposed.

Since a kubernetes cluster already exists, it may be easiest to deploy the kuberenetes version of OpenFaaS. However, as many actions on OpenFaaS are unauthenticated, proper network segregation may be necessary.

Docker Registry

A private docker registry is required to push and pull smart contract images.

Using the official docker registry helm chart is a quick and (relatively) simple way to get a working registry. Make sure that it is exposed to both the OpenFaaS deployment and deployed chain(s). We recommend not exposing the registry to the internet without authorization.

Keep in mind the official docker registry is not the only solution. Any docker registry will work if it is accessible to OpenFaaS and the chain(s).

Dragon Net

It is recommended to run with Dragon Net support for networking features (specifically being able to send/receive verifications) to work properly.

See the next section for more details.